The Lund Letter

  This Week in The Lund Letter:   >   Tomorrow is the big day! >   Efficient marketing of your station >   The science of music scheduling >   The news desert and other media trends D-Day is Upon Us! Tomorrow is March 28, the first day of the Nielsen spring diary ratings sweep.  It is also the first...

This Week in The Lund Letter:   >   Use scheduling to increase listening regularity >   You’ve got your promotion budget – now what? >   Screening sales promotions for effectiveness >   Advertising versus cost and other media trends Lund Programming Clinic:  Build Listener Regularity Radio regularity has nothing to do with Metamucil.  Rather, it’s all about TSL. ...

This Week in The Lund Letter:   >   The essentials for ratings >   What Dr. Pepper has to do with listening occasions >   Tempo and your music scheduling >   The death of newspapers and other media trends Lund Programming Clinic 2019: Your Ratings Tool Kit Generating good ratings – whether metered, diary, telephone or Internet –...

This Week in The Lund Letter:   >   Can listeners tell you are local? >   How to SELL not SAY your station name >   Hearing news on smart speakers and other media trends Lund Management Memo: The Opportunity of Localization Local content – it’s what differentiates a great station from others who program syndicated...

This Week in The Lund Letter:   >   Choose news stories carefully >   “Hey, great job!” >   More listening occasions and targeting your P1s >   Eye Tracking TV commercials and the latest media trends Lund News Room: Radio News Story Selection and Sequence Matter In today’s world of social media, many members of your audience derive their...

This Week in The Lund Letter:   >   Is your imaging on track? >   Ratings 2019 >   What’s in it for the listeners? Tell them! >   An 800 lb. gorilla named Amazon and the latest media trends Lund Management Memo: How’s Your Imaging Plan? You have a station voice, you have a positioning statement, you identify your...

  This Week in The Lund Letter:   >   Radio dominates audio – let’s keep it that way >   Packeting in your music software >   Are you prepared for the spring ratings sweep? >   The strength of the New York Times and the latest media trends Lund Programming Clinic: Keeping Radio On Top People ask us…So what does...

his Week in The Lund Letter:   >   Play by play to start the day >   How to be #1 by Coach Lombardi >   Improving ratings and the Big Event >   Programming to Generation Z and the latest media trends Lund Morning Show Master Class: How Play By Play Sports Applies Sunday night’s Super Bowl was...

This Week in The Lund Letter:   >   Increase brand loyalty with consistency >   Does your branding make the grade? >   The best imaging tips >   Facebook to monopolize messaging and the latest media trends Lund Management Memo: Building Your Brand - Categories & Clocks Brand loyalty is achieved by securing your listeners’ trust in your...

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