Have Fun…with your listeners. Add more humor to the morning show with a humorous commercial like no other! Or, if your station plays network spots and you’re tired of hearing the same network PSAs, cover them with a funny, fake commercial.
These humorous spots are 30-60 seconds and fully produced. The spots include adopting a lion from Africa, US Army barge repair, buying a Boeing 747, owning an island in the Pacific, vacationing in Throop PA, becoming a rock and roll DJ, Tom Brady’s miracle diet, and many more fake topics and products.
Brighten your morning show…and your station with these funny commercials!
Volume A – 17 fake commercials
Volume B – 17 more fake commercials
Volume A is sold on this page. You can buy all 34 fake commercials in Volumes A+B… just head back to the Services page of the Resource Center to find it. If you’d like to buy just Volume A now and later would like Volume B, email us and we’ll send an invoice.