New & Timely

The lead-off hitter in baseball is critical to the success of the team.  In fact, the lead-off hitter in every inning is critical.   Likewise, in track and field and swimming relays, the lead athlete’s performance is crucial.  For journalists, the “lead story” is vital in...

Hundreds of Lund Letter readers participated in our music scheduling survey, including readers from the US, Canada, and some overseas. The results show the task of selecting music is challenging – and all stations are looking for improvement in this important task. We thank our...

Your home or office radio is being replaced by Amazon’s Echo devices with their Alexa app, and it may be a more convenient way to hear radio. Their use for home entertainment is growing rapidly, and you’ll want your radio station represented there. You may...

Lund Media is the pioneer in creating Contemporary News Bumpers for TV news and News-Talk Radio stations. If your goal is to make the local TV news sound contemporary and more relatable, utilize Lund Media’s contemporary music “bumpers†when going into commercial breaks. We have...

Lund television clients benefit from a team of experts at Lund Media Research, a full service research division of The Lund Consultants. Our staff of TV consultants assist Lund Media Research with television focus groups, audience research, news and entertainment research, television news consulting, assessment...

While many search for ways to play the ratings game to gain higher shares, there’s one unassailable fact: great talents draw regular listeners and higher ratings. One common thread is the “touch” factor. A great morning talent touches his/her listeners to the point that they...

The migration of TV viewers to streaming services continues, accounting for 28% of all TV viewing.  Another interesting figure from this GFK study is that 41% of TV viewers are what they term “digital enthusiasts” who pay for subscription TV (cable, satellite, etc.) and additionally...

There’s a factor in all ratings, even PPM metered markets, which goes beyond actual listening. The stations that are better branded and own a market image produce better numbers. The truth is that brand awareness brings about business. It’s true for Nike and Starbucks, two...

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